David Borrington
David Borrington MA RCA
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"In politics, 'cui bono' probes motives, revealing who gains from events, exposing political maneuvers' intent."

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Lollipops in the Great Deception
  -    -    -  Lollipops in the Great Deception

Lollipops in the Great Deception

The British politicians are out in force, handing out lollipops in your preferred colour, convincing you that their flavour is sweeter than the others. This is what we conventionally call the general election.
They offer everything they can think of in the sweetshop to make you choose their flavour of governance. These professional politicians have never stepped out of the sweetshop bubble, thinking the world does not exist outside their sugar-coated realm. They believe that all people need is a bit more sugar, artificial flavouring, and colouring to solve all problems.
However, they keep coming out during election time, handing out lollipops and pretending to be one of us just to secure another term in office. These four photographs represent the four major parties, all made in the same factory by the same lollipop mould. The only differences are the colour dye and flavouring, which are tweaked every few years to keep the Great Deception going for another term.
It is not good for society to be addicted to sugar, and we must get off it if we are to develop as a nation.
The #008066 Lollipop (Green Party)
This lollipop is coloured to grab the attention of well-meaning, fairly educated young Communists who sincerely think the world will end next week if “you” (not them) continue living as normal. The red hint on the lollipop stick symbolizes their hidden Communist agenda, presenting themselves as environmental saviors while pushing for a radical, collectivist transformation of society. Their utopian vision masks an underlying drive to overhaul the existing order, using green issues as a Trojan horse.
The #FDBB30 Lollipop (Liberal Democrats)
This dark yellow lollipop attracts members from Conservative ranks who have lost all knowledge of British tradition and common sense, as well as from Labour supporters who despise the British working class even more than the Labour Party. They advocate for a centrist, international progressive utopia but lack a coherent identity, leading to policy shifts that dilute traditional values. The Liberal Democrats often position themselves as a moderate alternative, but their lack of a clear stance makes them an unpredictable and unstable choice.
The #0087DC Lollipop (Conservative Party)
This lollipop looks more like the Liberal Democrats and the Labour Party than a party representing Conservative values. The tradition of conservatism in the party has disappeared. Although it is on the march to the international progressive utopia, it is being held back by actual Conservative members, leaving a huge void for a new party to step in with British conservative values. The party also has a tendency to privatise services that are naturally monopolies, often with financial interests in these ventures, prioritising profit over public good. This approach can undermine public trust and lead to inequitable service distribution.
The #D50000 Lollipop (Labour Party)
This lollipop is poised for a historic win, ready to give you all the sugar you want. If you vote for them, they promise to open up the Treasury for you. This party is made up of European international champagne socialists, paid by big business for the interest of business, fully on board with the international progressive utopia. They have no connection at all to the traditional British working-class movement, which they discarded decades ago. Yet, they still hand out that strong red sweet to voters every year. However, it is 100% artificial flavouring, which the party despises themselves, like sunlight to a vampire.
But we can guarantee that whoever wins now or in the future, as long as lollipops are being handed out with different flavours and sugary treats, the sweetshop owner is in charge. The true threat comes from the actual owners and investors of the sweetshop, a shadowy group of elites involved in the manufacturing and supply of these sweets. Their overarching goal is to maintain control and keep the public hooked on their products, regardless of the flavour or colour.
This shadowy elite manipulates the political landscape from behind the scenes, ensuring their interests are protected. They are the true power behind the sweetshop, not too concerned about what type of lollipop they sell, as long as the public keeps buying them. This presents a serious threat to democracy and genuine representation.
So, I highly recommend getting off sugar and finding good, honest local greengrocers, candlestick makers, small business owners, religious leaders, and most importantly, independent freethinkers who are interested in your particular area for your vote. We need MPs in the House of Commons to be homegrown and rooted in their constituencies; otherwise, the sweetshop owners will keep on supplying the lollipops, and the Great Deception will continue.


