David Borrington
David Borrington MA RCA
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"In politics, 'cui bono' probes motives, revealing who gains from events, exposing political maneuvers' intent."

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And Did Those Feet In Ancient Time, LONDON 2012
  -  Artwork   -  And Did Those Feet In Ancient Time, LONDON 2012

“PHONETICALLY SPEAKING” To reflect the fast pace of world news, my blog is probably best served as a stream-of-consciousness text. Fast and unadulterated. With this approach, and on first encounter, text might not seem to scan. This is because I am dyslexic. Instead of keeping the proof-readers busy, I would rather let my blog updates of my visual work stand as a record of my experience of dyslexia, which I am keen that you now get to enjoy too. Unlike some news outlets, I hereby excuse myself the need for a ‘corrections’ section! The excitement of a new language is something I’m quite familiar with, and it is with this ‘joie de vivre’ that I am delighted to guide you through my thought and work processes, more phonetically (than fanatically) speaking.

And Did Those Feet In Ancient Time, LONDON 2012

Summer 2012 and 30th Olympic Games have come to London and it has brought with it masses of blatant sinister symbolism and actions to secret societies, from Freemasonry to the big royal families. Just look at the mascots; do they remind you the all seeing eye? One even has a pyramid on the top of his head. The stadium is crowned with pyramids all the way around it, shining down on to the games. 

It tested the public reactions having military presence on mass scale in one of the main capitals of democracy in the world: the public were reassured by this and not horrified. The military is not controlled by the public. It is controlled by the same people who have just renamed the Big Ben Tower (a symbol of the people’s democracy of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) as the Queen Elizabeth II tower. I would not feel comforted, I would be concerned.

The elite families and little secret clubs have their own agenda, just look at the road names around the Olympic Park, they are all based on Jerusalem. 
Carefully look at the picture and you will see a lot more as you delve into it, this picture tries to explain lots of different ideas and thoughts around the 30th Olympics in London. Not all of them I agree with but they pose interesting ideas.


And Did Those Feet In Ancient Time, LONDON 2012


And Did Those Feet In Ancient Time, LONDON 2012


And Did Those Feet In Ancient Time, LONDON 2012


And Did Those Feet In Ancient Time, LONDON 2012