David Borrington
David Borrington MA RCA
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"In politics, 'cui bono' probes motives, revealing who gains from events, exposing political maneuvers' intent."

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What’s going on!
  -  What’s going on!

“PHONETICALLY SPEAKING” To reflect the fast pace of world news, my blog is probably best served as a stream-of-consciousness text. Fast and unadulterated. With this approach, and on first encounter, text might not seem to scan. This is because I am dyslexic. Instead of keeping the proof-readers busy, I would rather let my blog updates of my visual work stand as a record of my experience of dyslexia, which I am keen that you now get to enjoy too. Unlike some news outlets, I hereby excuse myself the need for a ‘corrections’ section! The excitement of a new language is something I’m quite familiar with, and it is with this ‘joie de vivre’ that I am delighted to guide you through my thought and work processes, more phonetically (than fanatically) speaking.

Who were the Three Kings in the Christmas story this year, it was definitely a year of wise men. Desperately trying to hold onto the collapsing narrative which makes the Flat Earthers look believable. Hopefully like the Bible these wise men will only be mentioned once in our history.  These self appointed Kings are definitely going back to King Herod and no dream is going to convince them otherwise. King Herod: - “I may also go and pay him homage.” But the magi were warned in a dream not to return to Herod, and so they left for their own country by another road” (Matthew 2:12). All Kings can fall.