David Borrington
David Borrington MA RCA
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"In politics, 'cui bono' probes motives, revealing who gains from events, exposing political maneuvers' intent."

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Niff Crim
  -  BEA Artwork   -  Niff Crim

“PHONETICALLY SPEAKING” To reflect the fast pace of world news, my blog is probably best served as a stream-of-consciousness text. Fast and unadulterated. With this approach, and on first encounter, text might not seem to scan. This is because I am dyslexic. Instead of keeping the proof-readers busy, I would rather let my blog updates of my visual work stand as a record of my experience of dyslexia, which I am keen that you now get to enjoy too. Unlike some news outlets, I hereby excuse myself the need for a ‘corrections’ section! The excitement of a new language is something I’m quite familiar with, and it is with this ‘joie de vivre’ that I am delighted to guide you through my thought and work processes, more phonetically (than fanatically) speaking.

Niff Crim

Sadiq Khan London, wins the top place in the league tables, beating New York City for knife deaths and he still thinks it’s a safer place then when he started. He is in complete denial.

However, I do think he is sincere, just fully integrated into the cogs of British Neoconservatism; with a Tony Blair left wing twist. 

Straight Out Of the new Labour Handbook in “how to get in and stay in office with Tony Blair” Sadiq Khan is incredibly good at this spending huge amount of taxpayer’s money self-promotion and the war on nasty words on Twitter. Slowly eroding freedom of speech.

At the same time blaming the Tory party for his failings of managing the underground, but his record on prevention of knife crime is shocking. His policy on stopping “police stop and search” because it’s racist to profile individuals is costing lives. 

The logic is completely flawed, the idea of stopping stop and search on a certain group who is statistically higher to be carrying knives and to be killed by them. It is irresponsible and setting them up to fail, as it encourages the number one reason to carry a knife which is self-defence as they are not worried about being stopped, but unfortunately those people who are carrying for self-defence are most likely to have the knives taken off them and used on themselves.

We forget in the West it took hundreds of years to create a society where we have an unspoken social contract that we do not interact for disagreements with knives. If we are not upholding these values through policing, we will only see the situation get worse, as more people will carry knives to protect themselves. 

Sadiq Khan rhetoric “diversity is our strength” doesn’t always hold true and his ongoing blindness on the reality of knife crime is only giving fuel to the far right and hurting victims and families of the growing problem of knife crime. 


Update: 18-07-2021

Interesting development, recently found out back in 2012 Theresa May when she was Home Secretary told the police to stop “stop and search” then in 2014 she openly condemned the police for using stop and search and said to them they may be breaking human right law if they carry on.

So am so glad that they are both on the same page, but Theresa May have to take personal responsibility as she’s the Minister, but Sadiq Khan for some reason he is going along with it, even though that his London is burning.



Artwork is available to purchase part of the Borrington’s Empiricull Almanack vol VIIII of 13 original prints and individually as a archival inkjet print.
(Digital versions are available by request for articles which the artwork compliments)

Original price was: £350.00.Current price is: £250.00.